Saturday, March 13, 2010



To understand why I call this the dream date you need to know a little more about me. I am very nostalgic, extremely sentimental, and even somewhat old fashioned. While I enjoy many types of music; classical, jazz, country and r and b, I will gladly admit that my favorite music is that of the big bands.
Glen Miller, the Dorsey brothers, Wayne King, Benny Goodman, music you can dance to, dream to .... but I digress.
My best friend Paul, was the late night janitor at the Prom Ballroom on University Avenue in Saint Paul. I used to go down and keep him company in the wee hours of the morning. It was on one of these visits that the idea for the dream date came about.
I picked up my lady about nine, and we went out for a very nice dinner at a now defunct steak house. A little after one I told her I had a surprise for her and then drove her to the Prom Ballroom, which had closed for the evening.
Paul let us in and then disappeared into the basement to continue his work. We entered the main ballroom to find that Paul had exceeded my expectations. The lights were dim, a bottle of wine was chilling, and best of all he had managed to hook my stereo into the public address system.
I went over and hit play, and once again the music of some of the big bands filled the Prom. We had the entire ballroom to ourselves and man did we make great use of it! We danced waltzes, foxtrots, and so many jitterbugs my feet still ache and if I stole a kiss or two oh well, they probably weren't the first kisses stolen there.
The Prom Ballroom is no longer there, the lady is long since married to someone else, and that night is but a memory, but I still remember the wonder of being the best dancers at the Prom.

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